Difference Between Ceramic Wall & Floor Tiles

Ceramic tiles are not made specifically for floors or walls. Instead, they are classified according to their strength and durability. While any tile can be used as a wall tile, only certain grades of ceramic tile should be used for flooring, and the grade you choose will depend on the type and amount of use the floor receives.
Tiles are graded on a scale of 1 through 5. The tile grade should be listed on the box, but if it is not, you can contact the manufacturer and ask. Grade 1 is the lowest grade and is suitable only for walls. Grade 2 is for walls or residential floors that don’t see heavy traffic, such as bathrooms. Tiles suitable for heavy residential foot traffic or light commercial floor use are found in Grade 3. Grade 4 tiles work well in commercial areas that receive heavy foot traffic, such as grocery stores and banks. Grade 5 tiles are for industrial use and can handle heavy foot traffic as well as exposure to chemicals. Heavy industrial tiles are rarely used in homes as they usually look very commercialized rather than decorative
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